Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God

Senin, 04 Desember 2017

My Diary in the week

Thursday, December 1, 2017

At that time I met himatika media division at a food stall in jogja. I was the first time drinking the name sticky tape, it tasted good and sweet. I want to drink it again, maybe it will be one of the drinks I like in Java.

Friday, December 2, 2017
I participated as a volunteer for social services of victims of the Flood in the mountain kidul. Many experiences and meanings that I can take. Sad loss of valuables, damaged houses and dead livestock. Even many victims are affected by skin diseases. May those who become victims become more resilient. 

Saturday, December 3, 2017
Saturday is a day of sleep, rest day. That's the point. But it turns out I just remembered there is a coding task that must be solved on Monday. And it's very difficult and complicated. Though the body is still tired due to social work yesterday. Yes that's the student's fate. However, it must remain the spirit of living


overseas children
walking alone
far from parents
far from family
heart always close parents
heart always close family
learn to please them
learn to boast of them
a strong force he cultivates
live life in self-reliance
though sometimes a nostalgic longing
he could resist
for the sake of a future
overseas children
strengthen your heart
strengthen your soul
happiness awaits you